
Showing posts from May, 2018

Re:Not a Malware Expert [Defango & Quinn] (O.A1337A.I)

Guy with a Broken Computer (Defango) and a Computer Expert (J1337) Talk shit to each other fixing things or breaking things. Who knows who's really trying to help but yep as always. We don't know Y ewe was in on this. Here we show Quinn finding 1337. Then we have the Lioncube First Preview.

You ever wanted to slap someone With an Eel?

Well here is your Chance! Eel Slap

Who Spoofed The Files? Jason Goodman is Blind

He really doesn't know who spoofed the files, you can go tell him who did on his Live Stream. There is some truth in it all and it brings up more questions and searching for the real truth after. I think everything around Crowdsource the truth is fake new mostly when covering Quinn Topics. Jason Goodman - Crowdsource the truth

Time Phone Hack - Quinn Michaels Crazy EVIL AI theory

Here we see Quinn and his Claim about Time Phone Hacking. It's about as funny as it could get. Poor guy needs some help- you can help him anytime you want just sub and talk in the live feed. Quinn's Youtube